The Adventures of Brad, Elizabeth, Allison and Will

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Will is 18 months old

Today, Will turned 18 months old.  In a way, it makes me sad because I feel like time is flying by and I don’t want my baby to grow up.  With Allison, I anticipated each stage and looked forward to seeing her mature.  However, with Will I plain and simply do not want him to grow up.  I feel like boys eventually leave home and start their own families, calling home maybe twice a month.  On the other hand, girls tend to stay close to their moms.  I mean, I talk to my mom about 5 times a day and see her usually everyday.  My mother and I always say to Allison, “Girlfriends forever”.  I know Will is going to eventually need to man up but I am going to soak in every bit of baby for as long as I can.  I think part of the reason I baby him is because of all the health issues he has experienced.  Unfortunately, this process is not over and as of last week he started having tests run again to try and figure out what is wrong.  His growth chart is going down and he hasn’t grown since 12 months of age, in fact he is losing weight.  We will have more tests run this week.  Please pray for Will and that we can finally have some answers to Will’s GI issues.  I love you sweet boy!

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