Today, we loaded up the kids and headed to Moody Gardens, Palm beach in Galveston. We had never been there before and Allison had received 2 free tickets for completing the Houston Public Library Summer Reading program. Of course, she had a little help.
I’m not sure if I would pay full price to come here, but it sure was a lot of fun. Allison was able to walk and swim by herself in the pool and Will looked so cute in his life jacket (provided by Moody Gardens) and sun hat.
After playing in the water, we headed over to the waterslides. I think this was Allison’s favorite part about Palm Beach. She went up and down the slides I think around 30 times! Will was also able to play, in a small splash pad by the slides. He would walk up to the shooting water, get sprayed, and quickly walk away to avoid any further water. Of course, he went back and forth doing this about 30 times!
I loved sharing this time with my children and making lasting memories. I told Brad how fast time flies and how quickly our children will grow up. We need to take every opportunity to make special time for our family. Normally, Saturday’s are for shopping and running errands. It felt so good to take a day off and just enjoy being with my husband and children. No one cried or whined while we were there, so it was a BIG success!
After the water slides, we hit the main splash pad and then went to build a sand castle. Allison LOVED the beach and I definitely think we need to plan a beach vacation for next summer. Will was intrigued by the sand and just wanted to dig his feet in it. I said to Brad, “Can you imagine how it must feel to touch sand for the first time”! How exciting! Below are some pictures with the kiddos.
Father and son having fun. Hey, that rhymes!
This picture is sooo Allison. She was trying to spit at the camera, thank goodness she missed!
love to get your little girl in the shower, she would go in a little girl but come out a woman after I am done with her