Our very first date 7/1/01
Till death do us part, when Brad and I got married, I had an idea of what this meant but really had no real understanding. I think you have to be married for a period of time to understand the good times vs. the bad, how you handle financial struggles, the stress of children, intimacy, and remembering to always keep things fresh.
I remember saying to my mother-in-law a few months after we had gotten married, “I love him soooo much, he is absolutely amazing!” Don’t get me wrong, I still feel this way about Brad but our love has changed in the last 6 years and I am sure it will again in the next 6 years.
Tonight we went to my cousin Amanda’s rehearsal dinner. She gazed into her fiancĂ©, Joel’s eyes with a look that took me back to my own wedding. Your future ahead of you, plans for a family and life together, and so in love. What an exciting time!
May we all have the blessing of keeping that excitement alive in our own marriages. Taking the time to dote on each other, laugh and play.
I remind myself often of the following:
1. We are on the same team
2. Don’t take life so seriously
3. Love my mother-in-law, she helped mold my husband into the man he is today.
4. Laugh often
5. Date my spouse-Though I am not the best at this, I really need to remind myself of the importance of date nights. Doing the things you did as boyfriend/girlfriend (ex. sitting together on one side of the booth at a restaurant) on a regular basis. It is not only good for your marriage but for your children and your life as a family.
My wedding day is a memory frozen in time. I remember vividly my thoughts and emotions. Standing in front of the mirror and looking at myself before walking down the aisle. Makeup done, hair perfect, my dress perfectly altered to fit me like a glove. It was momentous.
Today, a stay-at-home mommy of two, you may think I might say “what happened to that bride?” But you know what, I am happier today than even on that day. We have created a loving family, I feel secure and I believe through tough times and struggles we learn who we are and who are spouse is. We learn how to compromise, forgive and work together.
I saw a man all alone today. He had a debilitating condition that had caused sores all over him and caused him to walk with a limp. Even with all of that, he still smiled and spoke to the children. Though they were scared of him by the way he looked, you could tell he was a loving person. I pray for this man. I pray that he feels love and connection to someone. It may be a human face or the face of God. I thank God daily for the blessing of my husband and the way he has made me feel love and accepted, even with all of my flaws. Though life does get more interesting and complicated as you are married, I can whole heartedly say the key to success is keeping your eyes on the Lord both as an individual and a couple.

Easter 2010