The Adventures of Brad, Elizabeth, Allison and Will

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sweet Baby Will



Will turned 15 months old yesterday and I can’t believe how fast he is growing up.  He started walking last month and is now into everything!  Climbing, opening drawers, and even sliding down our slide outside, he has no fear and wants to do everything that big sister Allison can do.  Here are a few things I never want to forget about Will:

1. His beautiful hair-he has the most beautiful strawberry blonde curls.  I love to hold him and rest my face in his hair.  Brad thinks it is time for a haircut but I cannot part with one single curl quite yet.

2.  New words-he can say Mama, Dada, Sissy, ball, Jiggs, Nana(Graham), Bye-Bye, Dog, this.  He sisses “S’s” like a snake all the time.

3.  He can climb up the outdoor play set ladder and go down the slide all by himself.  Scary!!!

4.  He is on zinc, has not made the switch over from formula to milk, and we are trying to get him to eat more finger foods but we have come so far.  Will looks very healthy and I know one day, he will be eating everything in the house!

5.  I love cuddling up with him to give him a bottle in the rocker.  He is so cuddly and I enjoy this special time just with him.  Also, he goes down for nap and bedtime super easy as long as he has his stuffed dog, blanket and nunnie (pacifier).

6.   He is always happy and loves Thomas the Train.  He squeals when it comes on TV.

7.  He enjoys playing basketball and can even dunk the ball into the basket.  College scholarship here we come!

8.  Will loves bath time and crawls all over the place in the bath tub.

9.  God is good and has truly blessed me with my sweet baby boy!  Thank you Lord Jesus.


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